Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Lots going on.....No pictures to prove it!

Well first of all, when I say "No pictures to prove it! " that is because I lost my camera!!. AHHHH, I am so mad. I left it in a rental car on a trip to San Francisco over the Fourth of July. Luckily I had forgotten my SD card at home, so I didn't loose any pictures. We have had so much going on lately. The boys started school a few weeks ago. 4Th and 2ND grade, I can't believe it. As usual the boys are loving school and have great teachers!! We have also started a huge new adventure with Dawson playing tackle football. For those of you with no boys in football yet, this is SERIOUS stuff. Dawson has practice every night for two in a half hours. He is doing SO good, we are so proud of him. He is going to start on both the Defensive and Offensive lines. If you know Dawson, he is usually a very mellow, down to earth, easy going kid, but on a football field- Watch Out!! He is so serious and intense and boy, can he tackle!! I will hopefully post a few pictures (using my old crappy camera) soon. Hope everyone is doing well!!