Saturday, April 05, 2008

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Thursday, April 03, 2008

Our Caribbean Vacation


So as most of you know, we just got home from a 7 dayCaribbean cruise. It was seriously the best week Ever!! We had such a good time. The Islands we visited were amazing, and the boys were such a lot of fun. The weather was perfect. It was so nice to get out of the snow and cold for a few days. We flew into San Juan on Sunday and left for St. Thomas that evening. In St. Thomas we went to an amazing snorkeling beach and spent the day snorkeling. The boys had learned how to snorkel in my Parents pool and it was fun to see their excitement with all of the fish and ocean life they were seeing. We ended the day with a wonderful dinner on the ship and a bit of shopping. Our next Island was Dominica. Eric and I have been to both St. Thomas and Dominica before, but it was the boys first time for both. We were all very exited for this Island because it is where all three Pirates of the Caribbean movies were filmed. We did a tour of the Island that included the amazing Rain Forest there. This is the only Island that I (Well Eric) forgot our camera so I don't have any pictures. Our third Island was Barbados. We again spent the day at the beach( The sand in Barbados is the softest sand I have ever felt.) We had a great time playing in the huge waves there. Our next Island was Antigua. Again we spent the day at the beach at a beautiful Sandals Resort. The next day we arrived in St. Kits, we spent most of the day snorkeling and playing. One of the highlights of the trip for Dawson was when he dove while snorkeling and found an awesome Star Fish. We had several locals tell us this is a rare thing to find so close to the shore. He was thrilled!!. We ended our week with a day on St. Maarten. I think this was my favorite. I would definitely recommend it for a vacation to anyone. The island is actually French so other than the naked ladies sunbathing ( try explaining that to a 9 and 7 year old boy) it was great. I have so many great pictures from the trip but here are a few of my favorite.

Happy Birthday Dawson!!

My little baby turns 9. He is officially not a little baby any more!! I can not believe how fast the time has flown. It seems like yesterday I was a terrified new mom wondering how I was ever going to take care of this little guy. 9 years later I am so proud of the person Dawson is. He is a caring, sensitive, funny and all around great kid! For Dawson birthday this year we flew to Disneyland for the day. He also asked my sweet niece Breylan to join us. We had a great time!! OK confession time, Dawson Birthday was in January, and this trip was in February. I am a little behind on my blogging- So get ready for lot' s of new post's.