Thursday, September 28, 2006

Fun At Thanksgiving Point

We decided to take a ride to Thanksgiving point for the Fall Festival going on there. They have lots of fun activities, for all ages. We had a great time and I would recommend it for a fun family night. They have 3 different corn mazes for all sizes. This is a very big, very scary, dinosaur A few laps around the track

A nice ride in a cow train

Eric decided to race Dawson around the go-cart track.( You can see who won)

Thursday, September 21, 2006

Winter Already?

Mason loved doing flips on this tramp-bungee thing at the lodge. Yes, Winter had already arrived!! These are a few pictures taken at Snowbird last weekend.

Dawson and Mason's 1st Day of School!!

Mason doesn't look quite so sure about what's going on. Or, maybe he's just to busy checking out all the new chicks!! Mason getting off the bus at school

Dawson in line to go in.

The boys both had a great first day of school. They were a little nervous, but they both have lots of new friend's and love there new teachers!!

Mason's 6th Birthday!!

I'm not sure what Mason thinks is so funny but something is crackin' him up. Mason had a great Soccer/Swimming Birthday party this year. All the kids had a great time swimming and watching movie's and Grandma Gibson's club House.

Recent Pictures and Events

Well, It's official!! I am the worst blogger!!! I keep thinking to myself- "I just don't have time to blog today" And then I see everyone else has managed to update their blogs. Everyone else is just as busy as me right? So I guess I have no excuse!! Anyway lots of going on's in the Stout house the last few months. The boy's both started school the end of August. Sad day for Mom, but Dawson and Mason are both loving school. They can't wait to ride the bus together each day. I try to keep myself busy by volunteering a lot of time at the school. I love being able to go to the boy's class rooms and help out. For some reason, they could care less where or what I am doing when we are at home, but they are so exited to see me when I am at the school. It's a lot of fun. We have been able to do lot's of fun activities all summer. Going to the Baseball Park to watch the Bee's play was a fun thing we did all throughout the summer. We also had some great St. George trips to see Grandma and Gramps (as the boys call him). For all of those not in Utah- the weather has taken a turn straight for Winter. It is so cold!! I'm starting to think all our fun summer activities are coming to a close. Well maybe I will be able to keep my blog up now:) We hope everyone is doing great. Take Care.