Friday, January 12, 2007
Christmas Morning
The boys had such a fun Christmas Morning. A few favorite gifts included- New bikes, a basketball hoop in the garage, I-Pods, and DVD players. Like usual, they were great all year long and Santa rewarded them Big Time. They really are such great little boys. They never give me a bit of trouble and always get along and love each other. I fill so lucky to be their Mom and they give me so much joy every day. Eric was thrilled with his new T.V. for our bedroom( he has waited a long time for it) and was also just as exited as the boys for the basketball hoop!BOYS!! I am so blessed to have such a wonderful husband who is such a great Father and provider for our family. He is such a fun Dad and always makes Christmas fun for the boys. Thanks honey- I love You. As for me- I was exited to get a new camera for Christmas but the best gift for me was Cathy, Chad and Dresden being here and my family being together. We had a great day!!
Posted by Stout Family Blog at 12:10 AM 0 comments
Thursday, January 11, 2007
Hitting the Slopes!!
The boys and Eric had a great time skiing over The Holidays. I don't have so much fun watching. The boys (mostly Dawson) go so fast down the hill they scare me too death. They however, have no worries and just ignore my constant screams of " You are going too fast, please slow down!!" The boys are kinda hard to see, but Mason is in the red coat and Dawson in the brown and yellow.
Posted by Stout Family Blog at 11:43 PM 0 comments
The Polar Express
Even Santa and his elves dropped by for a visit.
The kids all dressed in their warmest P.J's for the ride.
Posted by Stout Family Blog at 11:23 PM 1 comments
The Christmas Tree
The boys and cousin Breylan at Temple Square.
Oh My Tree!! It is huge!! . This picture doesn't even do it justice. I think it's about "14 feet and it is a nightmare!! It takes me and Eric a whole weekend to get this thing up. I love it when it's finished, but I'm not yet sure if it's worth all the time.
Posted by Stout Family Blog at 10:59 PM 0 comments
Wow!! 2 months since my last blog. What a busy time of year!! I hope everyone survived the Holidays. We had a great Christmas and New Year. We have done so many fun things the last month or so I can't even list them. Cathy, Chad and Dresden came home for a long visit and it was great getting to spend so much time with them. The boys have done tons of fun things the last month. Skiing being the highlight. They are loving the slopes!! The whole Gibson family traveled to Heber and went on the Polar Express a few days before Christmas. We had a blast. The kids all loved it. We had a wonderful Christmas and were all spoiled as usual. I have a lot of pictures to post ( most taken with my new camera- thanks Daddy and Boys!!) so I hope you enjoy them. I hope everyone is well and had a wonderful Holiday Season.
Posted by Stout Family Blog at 10:42 PM 0 comments